PrimeStaked is merging with YieldNest!
Migration coming soon.
PrimeStaked XP holders are eligible for an exclusive YND airdrop.
Participate in the YieldNest AirdropParticipate in the YieldNest AirdropMint primeETH with OETH and get whitelisted for the upcoming YieldNest Airdrop.
60% YND Allocation60% YND AllocationYieldNest plans to distribute at least 60% of the total YND token supply to its community.
Exclusive BoostsExclusive BoostsEarn 5% to 15% boosts on YieldNest Seeds for being part of the PrimeStaked community.
Learn more externalVisit YieldNest external
Liquid restaking with primeETH
Stack ETH staking yield, EigenLayer points, and primeETH XP Points all while remaining liquid.
Assets restaked
7,684 ETH
EigenLayer Points
10% SSV Bonus
Restake now
Earn Triple Rewards
ETH Staking
ETH staking rewards (3-5% APY)
ETH Staking
ETH Staking
Stay liquid
No need to run a validator
Get rewarded automatically
primeETH is backed by OETH
Stake ETH, Stay Liquid, Earn Superior Yield

Stake any amount of ETH and receive equivalent Origin Ether. Use OETH cross-chain across DeFi to compound returns, while still earning staking yield.

How do I acquire primeETH?
Deposit OETH
All deposits earn the same three layers of rewards from SSV, EigenLayer, and XP.
Deposit now
Buy it on Uniswap
Your primeETH will earn at the same rate whether you buy or deposit.
Visit Uniswap
How it works
Refer your friends and earn extra primeETH XP
For a limited time only, earn 10% of the XP points accrued by your referrals. Anyone who uses a referral link also earns 10% more XP.
Launch our app to get the referral link.
What is EigenLayer and Restaking?
EigenLayer is a platform that enhances the security of various protocols by integrating them with Ethereum's security model through data availability services, eliminating the need for protocols to establish their own set of validators. It achieves this through a suite of smart contracts and enables Ethereum stakers to restake their tokens on EigenLayer. By doing so, stakers can earn extra yield while taking on the risk of slashing, using EigenLayer's Actively Validator Services (AVS) to secure multiple networks.
What type of fees do you charge?
PrimeStaked does not charge any fees for now on EigenLayer Restaked points or XP. 100% of these rewards are passed onto the holder. More details on the fee model will be shared in the future. Rest assured, redemptions will be enabled before fees are turned on.